A downloadable game for Windows

So,i was lazy to add tutorial in my game,so be sure u read this before playing to know how to play.

I also didn't want to use a game engine, so that the challenge would be difficult for me, so I chose SFML, so don't judge me if you didn't like it, I did my best :) 

Movement:The player can move on the left and rigth by using A and D keys,yeah i know,very basicly movement XD

Weapon:Well,the weapon can be used also for damage the enemyes by pressing the LEFT MOUSE BUTTON,or for movement,more precisely for jumping(if you want to jump,u have to shot below you ,using RIGTH MOUSE BUTTON)

PowerUps:In the game are 2 types of power ups:

First type: Gives you faster shooting

Second type:Kills all the enemyes with one shot

The power ups are represented by a small squere that can spawn at a random position in the scene(notice: if u have bad luck,the power up will give you nothing:) )

Also can be spawned randomly lifes which can regenerate your health,this lifes are represented by a circle

Enemyes: well,nothing special,they just follow you around the scene,and when you colliding with them,u lose life and they get destroyed

YEAH I KNOW I DIDNT USE TEXTURES XD,because i didnt find any cool textures that can fit the theme and i am a bad pixel artist:(

I'm so sorry that I couldn't add more things, but since I'm a beginner in SFML and I didn't start the game jam 2 days ago, that's all I managed to do, so I hope you like it :D



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